Your Overly Generous and Enthusiastic Notary Service!

We’re here to ease this process for you!

After years of personal and professional experience, OGE Notary Services was founded to help individuals and teams make their personal and business dreams a reality. With our detailed process of handling your documents, to the execution, every step of the notary process is handled with precision, skill and attention to detail with client satisfaction at every turn.

Overcome Your Notary Obstacles

Identify your documents

Take the time to understand exactly what kind of document you are signing.

Understanding what needs to be completed

Not every document needs to be notarized. I’ll help you understand what, where, and when a notarization is needed.

Document Clarification

Sometimes legal documents can be hard to understand what is contained in them. Take your time to fully understand what you are signing prior to contacting a Notary Public. Please contact a licensed professional in your area for any and all questions you may have after reading what you are signing. Unfortunately, Notary Publics are not licensed or carry the knowledge to what is in the documents you require to be notarized. We are here to verify the identity of the individual signing a document and make sure that they acknowledge that they are in fact the one signing the document.

Free up your time and energy

Don’t let the process of finding or traveling to a Notary be confusing or difficult. LET ME COME TO YOU. Sometimes things like this may seem daunting, but in the end I’m always there for you when you need me any time of the day or night.

Let ME come to YOU for all your Notary Requirements.

Contact ME today for all your WORRY-FREE notary needs.